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A Message From Our Founder

As an attorney and business owner I understand the importance of good government and how it can be paramount to America's overall success. I also know that understanding the laws that govern us is equally important and yet sometimes tricky. Part of our mission at Western Liberty Center is to generate non-partisan analysis and commentary on public policy issues. I believe we will provide the much-needed guidance many are seeking today. But, we will do more than that, we legally defend those who have had their constitutional liberties violated by the very government that is supposed to protect these liberties.

Currently we are handling cases where property lease agreements are being reversed, or broken, with financial disadvantage to the lessee. The government is making a grab at properties to enrich their own budgets. Government must always act in good faith.

Another case we are handling dates back to the 2007-2008 crash in the market. In this case, the government overcompensated for their lack of leadership in the field of banking and lending by posing a government taking of businesses.

Often, those who find themselves at the mercy of government cannot afford a legal defense team. By providing a donation, you can help defend, in a concrete way, our constitutional liberties. Your tax‐​deductible contribution will help us secure a free and prosperous America.


Doug Durbano

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